Monday, March 26, 2012


I read "Christy" by Catherine Marshall as a young adult and loved it. Marshall based the story on her mother's own travels to the Appalachians. Christy Huddleson is 19 yr old in 1912 who volunteers as a teacher on a mission trip teaching in Cutter Gap, Tennessee in a a fictional village set in the Appalachians. Christy came from an affluent family in Asheville, north Carolina. The atmosphere is rather challenging for her as she experiences filthy conditions and fol medicine. She works along side a preacher named David Grantland to teach them a life apart from feuding that has long been a tradition in the community. , Neil McNeill, an agnostic the village considers an outsider, attempts to draw her concern toward the locals. She get s involved ina love triangle between Neil and David plus makes some new friends like Fairlight Spencer. I really can not find much negative except some may find a description of a rape offensive and the stereotyping of Calvinism. "Christy" was made into a series in 1994.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Elsie Dinsmore Revisited

I posted a while back on the Elsie Dinsmore. I finished the first book and started on 'Holidays at Roselands". That will be another review. As I said in an earlier post, Elsie is held up as a role model for young Christian girls. I think some of the supporters forget what century this was written in. Some of the things Elsie endured would be considered almost abusive. In one scene, Lora saves Elsie from being whipped by Horace for destroying her copy book. Actually, it was Arthur. He makes her sit at a piano stool because she refuses to play piano for Mr. Travilla. She falls off and hits her head leaving her ill for a few days.

. He wouldn't let eat certain foods or play jacks. He sends her to the closet for playing jacks. The last half of the book drags out a scene where Elsie refuses to read story on the Sabbabth. Horace instructs the family to associate with her. Elsie is blamed for his illness. He tempts her with a new home if she beys him compety regardless if it is against her conscious. He takes off on a trip refusing to be around a naughty child. Elsie falls ill as well for several weeks. He cuts his trip short after Adelaide sends him a letter. Horace realizes his mistakes and moves into the new home. Horace was absent the first eight years of her life and suddenly lays down the law. Though he changed slightly, cheerful obedience is still expected. Who could treat a child in such a way when all they ask for is love and acceptance from their family? It is nothing I recommend any girl to follow. Elsie is good for historical value but not much else.

Friday, March 16, 2012

"What's It Like Being You"

What’s it Like Being You? – Living Life as Your True Self is co-written by John Roger and Paul Kaye, who have joined forces previously on a different book. Both of these writers are successful and they are coveted lecturers, educators and popular writers in the self-help and spirituality genres.

This 184-page non-fiction book is crammed with useful commentary that readers can use in their own lives to change their attitude towards themselves. By doing this, we can learn more about our aim in life, attain more energy and a confident mindset in every minute of every day.

The dense, long-lasting cover is contrived with big inside flaps that can easily function as bookmarks. To help readers through the in progress challenges to achieve peace within themselves and in their lives, the writers have provided us with an inspirational meditation CD of just over 45 minutes in duration.

Altogether, I felt a relationship with many parts of What’s it Like Being You? . As a matter of fact, it was like the authors had read my book of verse (Towards Understanding) and translated it for me. I was able to see the journey I have been on from a different slant and I found this consoling.

For certain, this book has furnished helpful advice that will aide me in tuning out the noise and tensions of the world and center on what this life – each moment of every day – generates.

ISBN#: 1-89020-25-8
Authors: John Roger and Paul Kaye
Publisher: Mandeville Press
Published: Nov. 2004

Monday, March 12, 2012

"The Garden of Eden :What Really Happened

"The Garden of Eden: What Really Happened" by Marc Mourier talks about secrets hidden in the Bible. Mourier says there is proof Eve was a clone of Adam and God used the Flood to purify the Earth because of an experiment gone wrong. However, he also alleges civilizations existed before Adam and Eve. He believes the Bible has undergone more than 4000 translations which is far from the original meaning and people should be cautious.

He also alleges theologians try to hide matters they don't want to talk about by using a power grid. Mourier describes a very different picture of the Garden of Eden and the true Hebrew version of the Bible doesn't depict it as a flowery garden. Some other things explained are:

The book also gives Mourier's explanations on:

The secret, shocking and hidden revelations" of the Bible

Where the Bible shows "proof of visitors from outside"

Religious "cover-ups"
Who specifically visited the Garden of Eden and created Adam.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The DUggars:"A Love that Multiplies"

A Love that Multiplies” is the new book by Michelle and Jim bob Duggar from TLC’s “ 19 Kids and Counting” reality show. Jim Bob and Michelle live in Arkansas with their 19 kids ranging in age from 23 to 2. Te oldest chlid, Josh is married with two kids. The last book by the Duggars, “20 and Counting” explains their humble beginning to how the became reality TV stars. “ A Love that Multiplies” is a continuation of their first book which concluded before the birth of their 18th child. The book is divided into four parts. Part It begins by talking about they survived an ice storm and about Jim Bob’s parents who moved in with them. after his dad developed a tumor. The premature birth of their 19th child, Josie, takes up a big part of the first half.

Josie was born by emergency C-section at 25 weeks gestation due to Michelle’s gall bladder trouble and preclampsia. Josie spent several months at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. The family moved to a rental house so they could be near Josie while two older boys, John David and Joseph , stayed behind in Springdale. It was trying ordeal but they credited their faith-centered lives for helping them through. It explains how they tried to make life as normal a possible for the other kids by taking them on various outings. They met interesting people along the way as told in later chapters. One was a mother who also had a premature baby born around Josie‘s original due date.

Parts 2-4 go into more detail about their beliefs, child rearing strategies, and hopes for the future. The reader learns why they chose to home school, the children’s future plans, and if the kids date. Some things are repeated from the first book. Each chapter starts with a Bible verse and recipes are scattered throughout. On the outside looking in, they can make a person feel second rate. The Duggars are involved in their community and helping others. Three of the older Duggar children are volunteer firefighters and the family takes yearly mission trips to El Salvador. However, they are associated with Christian Fundamentalism and Quiverful but deny being part of the movement. Quiverful followers shun all forms of birth control which is taken from Psalms 127:3-5.

Overall, I think the Duggars are well-meaning people. They are honest in answering questions and responding to critics. With that said, this book reads more like a sermon in the second half and a script for their show in the first half with some added details. It is an interesting book with useful advice if you can get past the preaching.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Crack in the Teacup

The Crack in the Teacup, by C.M. Albrecht, is a mystery fiction novel with a thin flavoring of romance and suspense to zest things up. The plot line is focused on in a little Californian town where an 11-year-old boy, Jerry Beakey, becomes missing on his way to a music lesson. Writer C.M. Albrecht skillfully takes the reader through every scene of the subject and what occurs in police departments, support centers and inside the family of the missing individual.

There are two primary characters in The Crack in the Teacup. Detective Steve Music and his colleagues butt-heads with the FBI while working on the case. Adorable, and likable, Shelly Lambert holds an awful secret and harbors a guilt that causes her to volunteer at the Missing and Exploited Children Coalition whenever she could get away from her job as a Notary.

Whenever Detective Music and Shelly get together during the investigation, something broader between them occurs. Neither of them appears to know what to do about it. Steve discovers Shelly’s secret when he looks into her past and produces a huge rift between them that could destroy their romance.

A standard mystery story written in the Agatha Christi style with a very strange motivation for child kidnapping. I suspected almost everyone involved at some place in the book and I liked that the characters stood for true society, with people of assorted races, ideals and backgrounds. The Crack in the Teacup has very little violence, but more mystery and a happy conclusion.

ISBN#: 1-59466-037-9
Author: C. M. Albrecht
Publisher: Port Town Publishing

Friday, March 2, 2012

Cat’s Cradle and Other Fantastic String Figures: Over 20 String Games

Cat’s Cradle and Other Fantastic String Figures: Over 20 String Games
Where to purchase:

Do you recall playing string figure games, such as Cat’s Cradle and Jacob’s Ladder, a good deal while growing up. We played it during school recess and at home – as a matter of fact we played it wherever we could, on automobile trips, vacations etc. It can be rather habit-forming and a piece of thread fits into every pocket.

The writer of Cat’s Cradle and Other Fantastic String Figures, Elizabeth Encarnacion, has collected a great book with over 20 string games. It comes with everything your children (and you) need to get going: a colorful string, detailed directions and even a DVD to watch just in case you get your fingers in a twine.

The writer presents a short explanation of the history of string figures, which I think is quite interesting. String figures games have, surprisingly, been around for hundreds of years and still to this day grownups and kids enjoy creating fantastic figures. Learn to create: Witch’s Broom, Jacob’s Ladder, Cat’s Whiskers, Eiffel Tower and your friends will be more than impressed.

All in all, this book would make a well received present for young and old.