Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Women at the Top

Women at The Top: Powerful Leaders Tell us How To Combine Work and Family
Where to buy:
If you are a working mother and always trying to keep too many balls in the air, you know what I am talking about. Finding the right work-family balance is a constant struggle. We suffer from guilty feelings of not spending enough time with our children/family and not enough time pursuing our career. To strike the right balance takes commitment, passion, flexibility and support from your loved ones and also knowing that we can’t be “perfect”.
The book Women at The Top is a real eye opener. In it, women from different cultural backgrounds and in high powered share their real life stories. The ups and downs of how they managed to get to where they are, overcoming many challenges along the way. It includes a lot of well written personal advice from these top women leaders. How do you get to be successful in your career but also live a happy family-committed life? This book offers strategies and food for thought for every woman who wants “it all” and wants to succeed in having a successful and rewarding job but also be a happy wife and mother.
I think this book should be read by any working mother who is trying to manage a career and a family. With the right techniques and strategies, you too can enjoy a well-balanced life.

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