Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Heidi is the classic novel set in the Swiss Alps written by Johanna Spryi in 1880. Heidi, whose real name is Aldeheid is a five year old girl sent to live with her grandfather by her Aunt Dete ho has taken care of her since the death of her parents. At first the grumpy grandfather resents her but Heidi manages to soften his rough exterior. Her visit turns delightful. He has been in conflict with the villagers and called Alm Uncle because of his seclusion.

She makes friends with Peter, the goat herder. Three years later, the Aunt comes back for her so she can spend some time with a wealthy disabled girl named Clara Sesemann. Hedi becomes homesick and is at odds with their strict housekeeper. Issues with sleepwalking become concern for her grandfather becuase her mother had epilepsy. the docotr suggests Heidi be taken back home to avoid any more health issues. In the meantime, she teaches Peter how to write and read. The docotr suggest Clara visit Heidi for the summer much to the chagrin of Peter. He feels denied Heidi's attention and pushes her wheelchair don the mountain side. Amazingly, Clara walks without it.

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