Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Lion, the Witch , and the Wardrobe

The idea of “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"” focuses around four kids, the Pevensie siblings, who become entranced in a land of magic. Going in “Narnia” through a wardrobe— situated in a house where they are rooming — the kids enter a domain where it is all of the time winter, but never Christmas. Under the trance of the White Witch, Narnia is forever in the clasp of wickedness. The domain is occupied by talking animals [beavers, for one], spirits, goblins, sprites, but no individuals. That is until Lucy Pevensie surfaces accompanied by her brother Edmund and, later, Susan and Peter.

Rather apparently the White Witch also known as the Queen of Narnia is most interested in mortals so she resorts to all kinds of magic and hocus-pocus to entice them in. Edmund, the most impressionable of the siblings, is rapidly charmed by the White Witch and then sets out to deceive the others.

Without disclosing the plot line, the subject of Narnia clearly ponders the enslavement of this present world under the Devil, but its past and future rescue through Jesus Christ. In the form of a lion, Aslan, Lewis brings a savior to Narnia who eventually releases the land from its winter grip and vanquishes the White Witch.

For those unacquainted with the gospel message, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe may be difficult to follow. However, Lewis composed the book in 1950 instantly after the horrors of Word War II and with the Nazi air combat for London fresh in the heads of British citizenry. Lewis may have been answering to a solid spiritual hunger of his time when he composed the series as “Narnia” successfully points seekers to Aslan, much as the Bible points readers to Jesus.

I am not certain if I will read the remaining six books in this series, but I am unquestionably interested in searching several other writings of Lewis.

C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams were contemporaries who were a part of a group of authors and intellectuals called The Inklings who gathered during the 1930s and 1940s at a public house in Oxford. Tolkien, like Lewis, used Christian allegory in many of his writings including, The Lord of the Rings, another series of books that was lately published as a major movie.

Distinctly, the regenerated interest in C.S. Lewis’ works is a confident step particularly for a generation of kids not acquainted with the gospel message. Disney, for their part, is interested in formulating the remaining six books of the series into separate movies. So, expect Narniamania – as some have called it – to continue unabated for many years to follow.

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